My Blog Part 2 Overview

This text gives direct links to everything I have done for Part 2 of this blog.
This is so it is easier to navigate and find the posts in my blog. Everything is here, as well as quite a bit of extra work. If a link doesn't work, try using the sidebar, all of it is here somewhere.....

Please note: This message is displayed at the top of my blog wherever you are in my blog. If you click on one of the links to go to that post. This will be at the top, and you will have to scroll down to see the post. This does however make it easier to navigate.

Internet Delivered Short Films. (3%)
My Google Map, Persona and Sketchcast.(2%)
My iReport (3%)
Lecture 7 and Freeware discussion (with some extra work)(2%)
Political Participation and the Internet Tasks (3%)
Some form of art that I created. (3%)

Lecture 5
Lecture 6 + Extra Work
Lecture 7 (Above, combined with freeware task)
Lecture 8
Lecture 9

Extra Work
There is some extra work as part of the other posts, but there is also:
Week 6 Extra Work.
Introduction: General Overview
Conclusion: My thoughts on

Thursday, October 22, 2009

NCT Essay.

My student number is: 2715439

My following essay relates to the third topic (essentially the challenges facing professionals due to the audience shift from consumption to production, and the subsequent offset of increased amateur content online that's free to watch).

The area of creativity chosen is: the online porn industry.

The refined genre of my essay is: original suggestive problem-solution academic essay.

References are numbered for ease of reading, while there is a reference list following the essay which follows referencing standards.


Elderly people often find it hard to keep up with the changing times. Whether they are getting confused by this weird thing called ‘the internet’, or trying to understand why there is an ever increasing amount of people with a wire going from their bag or pocket, to both of their ears. But throughout these vast changes, there is one constant. Porn.

Porn is rather widespread nowadays. A 2009 report states that 25% of all search engine requests relate to porn, and that 35% of all peer-peer downloads are of a sexual nature.(1)(2) The basic fact is that porn is extremely prevalent on the internet, with usage higher than 65% in some age demographics.(3) Whereas porn is arguably the most used abbreviation in the English language, and porn, aka pornography, is defined as any material with a primary purpose to cause sexual arousal.(4) But while elderly people may struggle with certain technological concepts, there is a far greater struggle going on, and it relates to the porn industry, and digital media.

Humans have strong sexual drives, and with the current status of prostitution world wide (and tight cash flows), porn is often the answer.(5)(6) Frequently, this porn comprises of free amateur porn. You see, the widespread availability of video cameras and editing software, combined with the high market penetration of computers and the internet, has put the tools of production into the everyday person's hands. While creating films used to require large amounts of money, nowadays anyone can create videos, and fairly cheaply too. Most phones and laptops come with a camera these days, meaning one can easily record something, upload it to a video hosting website, and broadcast it to the world rather quickly. The ease in which amateurs can create content in a relatively short period of time causes problems for professionals. This essay will look at the challenges and problems facing the porn industry in relation to this problem. It will then go on and offer possible solutions, and ideas on how to combat these problems.

One issue is that amateurs are not only producing videos, but some of them are of a fairly good quality. Even worse for professionals is that the amateurs do it for free, and let people watch it for free. In the porn industry, this has resulted in an explosion of free porn, most of which is amateur. This increasing availability of free amateur porn has caused numerous problems for the professional porn industry. The first problem is that why would anyone pay for something that can be so easily acquired for free? Previously, if one had a demand for porn, they could go out and buy some. Nowadays however, if one has such a demand, they can go online and get it for free. So while porn sales used to be based upon people’s want for porn, it is now decided on people’s want for something they can’t get for free. Why some may buy porn due to their lack of awareness of free porn, this essay will assume that people only buy porn, because free porn is currently not fulfilling their porn needs.

This shift has caused major problems in the porn industry as professionals now have to offer not just porn, but unique or high quality porn, aka, something worthy of being bought. So professional porn makers have to try considerably harder to get sales. This could be anything form acquiring the services of the most attractive people as possible, or making a porn film shot in POV. The fact is that professional porn makers have to offer something of worth value. But there is another option that could work too.

Another option would be to market their professional porn with the free amateur porn in mind. Some simple marketing techniques could be employed to achieve this. First off, it would make sense to emphasize and explicitly state why the customer should buy this particular brand of porn, opposed to simply watching free porn. A statement of better production values and more attractive actors could work, or maybe even some guerrilla tactics such as heavily suggesting that free porn will give your computers viruses, whereas their ‘great pay porn’, won’t.

Another challenge facing the professional porn industry is the very strong possibility, and sheer realism that free amateur porn on the internet won’t go away any time soon. Thus it makes sense that a professional pornographer - or businessperson working for them - should try and combat this. One method is for their porn company to try and be very customer based, always uploading new porn and keeping things fresh to keep their customer. This method focuses on brand loyalty. But there is a more interesting idea that could work too.

As previously stated, a large challenge facing the professional porn industry is that it now has to offer something better, something worthy of being bought over free material. So an interesting idea would be for professional pornographers to offer a-grade porn for free. This new structure would work like television because revenue will be gained from advertisements, rather than the product itself. While internet advertisements might not offer much money, it just might in this environment. After all, people who watch porn are probably rather horny. Thus, advertisements advertising products of a sexual arena could thrive rather nicely. From shaming the porn watcher to try a penis enlargement remedy, or convincing him/her to buy something special for their loved one to make up for their large amount of porn watching. The possibilities are endless, especially if user accounts could be made where one states the city they live in. This opens opportunities for local adult shops and clubs, strippers, and women/men who might just pay their rent by using their body.

The fact is that while there are rather large challenges the professional porn industry is facing, there is also a rather large amount of solutions. As it can clearly be seen now, most the challenges have arisen due to the shift from audiences consuming what they were given, to producing material. This amateur production, and subsequent uploading of the material online to be viewed by others for free is problematic for the porn industry, and this essay has looked at that. First at the challenge that the professional porn industry now has to offer a product which warrants money expenditure in an environment which is thriving with free material. This shift was looked at, as well as the subsequent challenges that it causes. Such as the necessity to convince potential customers to buy porn rather than simply receive it for free, and some possible methods that this can be achieved.

Overall however, it is a difficult – and rather precarious - time for the industry, with some even suggesting that the whole industry is doomed.(7) But while these challenges remain, one must remember that humans essentially have a proclivity for porn. Hence, the need for porn is there, and the need will thrive years to come. So the overriding question is: will this need be satisfied by amateurs, or professionals?
After all, society is increasingly becoming a place where one frequently doesn’t pay for digital content, while amateur content is on the rise. Fan fiction is a great example of this shift outside the porn industry.(8) This shift can either be opposed, or responded to in a submissive manner. Either way, it all will be decided on how the industry handles the challenges mentioned in this essay.

Reference List

1 - (n.d.) Internet Pornography Statistics: 2003

2 - Ropelato, J. (2006) Internet Pornography Statistics

3 - Featherstone 2005
Featherstone, L. (2005). You, me and porn make three. Psychology Today, 38(5), 82-87.

4 - (n.d.) Pornography definition

5 and 6 -
Prostitution Act 1992 (ACT)
Prostitution Regulation Act 2004 (VIC)

7 - Goldstein 2009
Goldstein, D. (2009). XXX: Is the Porn Industry Doomed? The American Prospect, May 15 2009

8 - (n.d.)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Introduction: General Overview.

For my blog, I went for this green layout. I really like it. I did try and change it, but it looked so bad, I thought I'd pretty much keep it the same. I did however add numerous things. I added a widget on the side, as well as a visitor counter by country widget. I also moved my 'Followers' down to the bottom, and removed the tag listing. It was their, but I stop tagging my posts, so I got rid of it.

More importantly, I added a nice little introduction to the top of the page, and added photos of me to the top of the sidebar. Nice... ay? I also added a component which let you rate my posts. At the bottom of every post you can see it, such as below. One can rate my posts, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 stars. Another widget added was the youtube bar on the right. It shows videos from a New Zealand filmaker who has over 20,000 subscribers on youtube. I like his videos.

The last thing I added, which I assume you can tell by now, is a Blog Two overview at the top of my blog. This is not a blog post, but a separate component of my blog. I thought this would make it much easier to navigate my blog.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

General Thoughts on

Just thought I'd do some extra work and give my thoughts about could be greatly improved.


1. The window in which I have to type my blog posts in is too small, This small windows really needs to be bigger.

2. My blog's margins are too narrow. In fact, all the blogs seem to have rather slim area where the posts show on the blog page. While this does make it easier to read, it could really would be better if it was wider.

3. Putting images into my blogs is just ridiculously annoying. The photo always goes all the way to the top, meaning I have to drag it back down, and put it in the place I want.

4. It's really not a good thing, that I've started typing my posts in blogger not using the 'Compose' way, but just typing test straight into the 'Edit HTML' section. That's how annoying I find the normal section.

5. There is quite a few just general annoying things.

6. While some of the other programs have annoyed me to. The most annoying thing I find is the slow iReport website. People in my tute have uploaded videos to the site at least 2 weeks ago, and they still are 'still on their way to'. It's rather annoying. Mine isn't working yet either.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My artwork.

So for 3% on my blog. I have to include some form of art. I wasn't sure if by art you meant like painting/drawing, or art as a whole (music, film, etc). But the NCT blog said "some form of art that you have created."
Therefore it make sense that a short film is some form of art.

Thus, I have attached two things. My short film, Vito, a comedic, yet serious, spocial drama. Even tho the film is rather artsy, weird and obscure. The fact remains that it still is a great piece, especially the amazing narration and ending.
Vito - A Short Film

Okay next up is my second piece of art. I love this one too. This one is a mockumentary about school students in their spare period at school. I absolutely love this one too. Although some of the camerawork and acting isn't so good. I love the screenplay, good work me there. ahaha :).

This film taught me a lot about film. It was the second short film I did, which was in 2007 by the way. Damn I look young. But yeah... I learnt a lot from this, from framing to the fact that the intro should have been shorter, the cold open better shot, and that I should have opened with an exterior shot. And that's just some of the things I learnt. Some of the lines that were integral to the story got out too, which ruined the whole film. But if you like BSG then you would like this. What you think?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 8 - Political tasks

Politics and New Communications is the topic this week.
First off.
1. 'Sign an e-petition'
I signed an e-petition at Queensland Parliament websiste here.
I signed petition 1266-09 named Parking for Skilled Stadium at Robina.
It was related to parking bans near the Gold Coast Titan's home ground.

2. 'Respond to a professional blogger at a major news site.'
I responded to Antony Green's Election Blog at website here. The subject related to signs placed around new road developments and so forth. I signed the post as 'Zie (NCT09)' and put my blog as the website. I just sent my comment in, and as of writing is currently waiting to be approved by an administrator.

3. 'What is Barak Obama up to today?'
Well, first of all it's Barack Obama, it was spelt incorrectly on the NCT09 blog, I did comment on the blog post tho, which seemed to be the first comment on the entire blog. So go me!
Now. told me what Barack is up to today. No, he is not going on The Jay Leno show like our Krudd would. But today, He "released a groundbreaking strategy to spur long-term high-wage job growth, in part, by "laying the groundwork and ground rules to best tap our innovative potential." Source.
So that sounds swell.

4. 'Find out who your Local, State and Federal representatives are.'
My local one is the Mayor of Gold Coast: (Mayor CR) Ron Clarke
State is: (MP) Peter Lawlor
Federal is: Steven Ciobo (Moncrieff)

5. Local member last spoke in Parliament...?
As of time of posting, Peter Lawlor's last speech in parliament was on September 4, 2009. The issue was Responsible Gambling.

6. Let your local member know what you think about their last speech.
Using the 'Contact Peter' section of Peter Lawlor's website, I sent Peter my thoughts on his speech, and the Responsible Gambling issue. Click here for the Contact Peter section of the site.

Clean feed and Lecture followup:

I really struggled with the lecture this week, and thus the lecture notes weren't much help either. I found none of them particularly interesting, some were just outright confusing, while some seemed rather arbitrary and pointless. From Plato's confusing fire cave wall thing, to Stockwell calling me a hacker, it was annoying. For not only was I confused, but I felt inadequate that I was hacker, and yet still can't work out why ever time I add an image to my blog, it goes up to the top of the post, meaning I have to move it down. Apparently I'm a hacker, yet I can't even do some of the simplistic tasks, thank you Stephen Stockwell for making me feel completely inadequate.

As for the Clean Feed. I think it's fairly stupid. Honestly, I don't think pornography harms children very much. If they are feeling low self esteem about their sexual parts, it informs them, if they are lonely, it helps them, and as for teenagers, well, how much angrier would teenagers be without porn? I imagine that porn helps relieve stress and calm down hundreds of thousands of teens worldwide. So why ruin this for them? And then.... I see angry people all the time, I wonder how many more angry people I would see, and how much more rage their would be, without porn.

If you are going to censor anything, censor bestiality porn, images of pre-pubescent kids of a sexual nature (child porn), and Chris Crocker. That is three things I think should be censored. But apart from those immoral things (to which I believe are), censorship shouldn't be taken to the extremes of banning porn. I like film/television ratings however, because I know what to expect, but I watched my first R movie when I was about 14 - Kill Bill Vol. 1 - and it did not affect me for the bad. So there are mostly stupid in restricting ages. The same for what content can air on television at what time. I generally dislike that.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lecture 8

This lecture was really really confusing. Stephen Stockwell is a good writer, but as far as speaking goes, he's not very good. He has major problems with phrasing, and getting his ideas across. I know some of my friends in the lecture theater also had this problem, but I think they were going to lie on their blog and say how great he was. As I've said in previous posts, I don't telling lies. So I'm just being truthful.

Hopefully my inability to understand him won't stop me from getting good marks in this blog. I've worked very hard this semester, especially in this subject, but the mere fact is that I could not understand almost anything he said. Maybe I just have poor comprehension skills when it comes to people speaking like he does, it probably also doesn't help that I hardly understood what he was even trying to say after reading the lecture notes. Overall this lecture just confused me, and I hope I don't get marked down for this. I tried hard, but I failed. I've accepted this, and tried going the further mile in my other tasks, and doing extra work to not only make up for some shortfalls, but also make my blog really really good.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I thought that with my iReport video I would go meta, and make it tounge-in-cheek with meta-humour. I think I did a great job, with good framing and lighting. I love this sort of video, as opposed to an alien attack or something like that. The video on blogger is below.

Edit: I tried uploading the video to iReport at the time of posting, but it failed.
Therefore, I have tried again and have posted the link to the video on iReport just below. I have noticed however that the videos can take a very long time to finish processing. It makes me think that by the time its processed, the news has become olds.

Second edit, but it worked! Some people were having to wait weeks for it to work. But my worked straight away! Yay for me. Still annoying it didn't work all those weeks ago.
Oh... And I also made it so at the start of my video, iReport says 'Discretion Advised' because it may contain disturbing images. Mainly.... Me. :)

Direct link here. But posted above too.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Week 7 Lecture and Expansion

As I said before, I was sick for a few weeks and missed out on the Week 6 and 7 lecture. Thus I am limited in what I can talk about, Even more so as there is no lecture information on Learning@griffith. But the lecture was about Freeware, thus I shall talk about my experiences with Freeware.

Freeware can be very handy, and to me it is. Free software, it's great!
Some of this freeware I use weekly, other is when I get around to it.

For example. Last FM (Wikipedia article here) records all the music I listen to and puts it into a nice little graph and charts and stuff. See or click here to see my profile on that site, this is more of a plug in however. But it is free. As is this TuneUp add-on/plug in for iTunes I just downloaded. That one is hard to use however.

I'll just quickly use that great plug-in and then website, to post the music I've been listening to the last week. I just discovered NeverShoutNever! ahahah, Sooo good!


Then there is ComicRack and ComicBookLover. Those freeware programs read my digital comic books for me, the .cbz files. Although the latter is a free trial that has limited use. The first one I used when I had a windows computer and was freeware, not a free trail, and no restrictions. So ComicRack is one useful Freeware application, and is described as 'The iTunes for Comics'.
A picture of ComicRack in action:


Then there is VLC Media Player(Wikipedia article here), that little Traffic Cone that helps me soooo much. My annoying iTunes, quicktime and RealMedia player can't play those great '.avi' files. And this can. So I am going to choose this freeware program to talk about, not because it is new to me, but because it is so amazingly good! I would have so much trouble without it, and what's even more, it's portable!!!!!
VLC Thumbnail:

Plus, it can play DVD's from all regions! No more having to check the right region, i watch DVD's on my computer anyway, my TV is rather small, so screen size doesn't bother me there. So that's great!

Even better, my great analysis of Nick and Norah from weeks ago that I posted in this blog(see it here), was all possible because of VLC. It let me take screen shots which I feel greatly improved my analysis.
Picture from my analysis:

So there we have it. I think everyone should use this program, and I am so happy that I heard about it about a year ago. It revolutionized the way I watch TV and DVD's. Sigh, how great it is!
ahahah. I'm really into this whole VLC thing. VLC 4TW! ahaha
Picture of VLC in action! Watching one of the Ice Age movies:

PS. Posted below is a song by NeverShoutNever!. This is a song I have recently found.
It's called JaneDoe, it's a love song without being one of those lame sappy love songs. It starts about 28seconds in... I know you can make a video start a certain amount into a video but I forgot ahaha.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Week 6. Extra Work.

Here is some extra work as I was rather intrigued by that persona website, and I realised that it had comedic potential.

So, using the persona website, (located here), I wanted to search something humorous. I ended up with some 'Adult' results. So read something else if you don't think you can handle it.

In class, I searched 'Porn Man' to mildly humorous results. But later it came across me, so I searched, for humor value, 'Free Porn'. But this was more than me wanting to laugh, my essay relates to porn, and thus this was a valuable exercise. It actually taught me some stuff... I also signed up for a Flickr account to make it easier to upload images. Clicking on the photos will send you to the photo on Flickr.
End result:
Picture 15

NOW.... I'll show photos of the humorous results I received.
Starting with my favorite:
Picture 13
I love the fact that there's spelling and punctuation errors in this. As well as the last sentence.

Picture 8
People have done studies on this? Also, i think the final word of 'combined', makes it sound rather dramatic ahahha.

But this next one cracks me up. SOOOO Much.
Picture 7

Let's speed these up....

Great response by the porn industry:
Picture 3

Interesting viewpoint:
Picture 9

Picture 11

Picture 6

Then some truthful, if not outdated, truth. (Truthful truth? Yup. you bet.)
Picture 10

Dramatic nonsense:
Picture 5

Picture 2

Nerd jokes anyone?
Picture 14

And I guess I'll finish up with one last thing:
Picture 12

Well there it is. Some extra work for you. Rather nice of me.... Hope this has cheered you up a bit. Personally, I thought it was rather hilarious.

Zie out!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Week 6. Google Map, Persona and Sketchcast.

Uploaded here.
Done with my nickname. CLICK ON IT to make it larger and readable. This wasn't very big at all. I saw some other people's and they had heaps of different categories. My birth name came up with no results however, how odd.

My little sketchcast. I sorta just drew some trees, a possum thingy, and an hunter hunting the possum. I don't eat meat very frequently but I thought it fit in better. Funny thing is that when I was doing the first tree's leaves, I got distracted talking to the tutor, so i just drew a trunk under it (i went to the left heaps), I think I covered it up rather well ahahahaha :).

And my little Google map.
This map I labbelled the places that I have been to, sometimes It was a bit harder because of I went on road trips with my family before I new better. But I've to UK, Australia, New Zealand and France. I've been to some other countries, but not outside the airport. So I don't count that :).

View Places I've Been too. in a larger map

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lecture 6

Unfortunetly, I was sick for a few weeks and missed out on the lectures in week 6 and 7. Thus I am limited in what I can talk about, but I will briefly rehash what is on Learning@Griffith, and then EXPAND ON THE LECTURE and talk about a certain YouTube videos that people create that use Professional content that has been produce, and remix them to create more content.

Back in the old days, consumers would 'take', by viewing movies and television and give nothing back.
But lets skip here.... because it started to change, 'The Internet' changed everything.

People would give back, produce there own content, but more importantly, change content that already existed.

Let's break this down.
Three Big Screens of life

and the Small Screens of life
Personal Media Players (MP3 players, iPod's)
Mobile phones/Smartphones (HTC touch, iPhone etc.)

But you read heaps of lecture summaries. So I'm going to do some extraish work.


People take professional produced content and remix it for their own reasons, more specifically, love stories. People make love videos for couples from their favorite TV show.

IE..... 7th Heaven? Gilmore Girls? people make horrible videos about two characters from a show they love, mash up scenes, and put it to love music. This is one thing i really really hate about youtube.
Sometimes they create things that well..... Odd.
Example.... Seth and Ryan from 'The OC', in a video entitled 'Forbiden Romance'

The editor took things that Seth said to his girl Summer in the show 'I Love you, and I think you love me too' and made it seem as if Seth was saying them to Ryan.

The editor also got footage of two guys kissing, with the same hair colour as Seth and Ryan, and subtly cut it inbetween the scenes, to make it as if these two characters had a serious sexual relationship with eachother.

This whole video is rather bold....

But there are much worse ones.....
The dopecore and awesome Peter Petrelli from the first season of Heroes.
Someone made a mash-up of clips from the show, and put them to the song 'Sex Bomb'

Now some people are really sexually attracted to this guy....

And these two examples are good examples of how consumer, is now mashing up and using footage and are effectively producing stuff. All because of the internet.
Personally, I hate these videos.

But in the same vein of these videos, they are two I do like. 30 Rock one, mainly just because I love the song ahahha, and then theres a Seinfeld quote one.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lecture 5

This was a small little lecture. Although I think that's just because my business subjects have lectures that go for like 2 hours. Where as this one is merely 50minutes. I'll just mention it briefly, I only just realised that you(teacher/tutor/marker of this blog) must be reading heaps of summaries of the same lecture, so it must get rather boring, may as well not bore you too much then.

Dot com crash, women was worth 18 mil at one point, then down heappps like like 5mil, then back up all in one years span. rather interesting. Then there was all the Bill Gates Google talk with AOL now fallen, as has yahoo, it's been with Bill Gates and their trying to take on Google.

Meh.... I've gotten to the point where I'm so over summarising lectures.... I mean, you must be reading heaps and heaps of these. I just want to try and be interesting, why can't they just be a class/subject/course, where assignments are graded on humour value. Now that would be something I would want to do.

I'm also sick of doing labels in posts..... I think i'm mostly gonna stop that now.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Short Films

First up, I picked this one. 'Fuckphonic' for the interesting idea, cool animation, and well, great sound to the whole film.

I just think it is so cool, plus I can't help but wonder what I would do all day, if things I touched played sounds like in the film. Well.... I can... I would be touching things all day and making some sweet beats. I'd be a full awesome DJ... I'd call myself Beat-Hoven.
Ahahaha, Yup. That's me. So mainly I just picked that film for the originality, and sheer awesomeness of it.

This second one is Art of the Saber.

This film has great, and amazing fan saber work. And although some of the rotoscoping lacks in some parts, the martial arts is amazing. Plus the story is interesting. The monologue at the start is taken from a real letter sent home by a soldier. Worked a little to make it fit into the movie, but not much, and vastly improves this cool film.

Third up. I was going to do The Story of Bubble Boy, but I noticed someone else posted that. I really love that film, original, with a great message and just overall beauty. However. I'll do this short little one anyway. I really love animation, and to me, this short films shows not only the beauty in animation, but just how amazing animation truly is. It also has a good strong character, and no dialogue, which is just awesome. The sound effects are also great!

It's short so i'll put in another.

You can't say that they aren't great little internet-delivered short films. They have the whole equilibrium, disturbance and all the other things generally needed for a story. So yeah :)

Lastly, I've added the first episode from my web series. A short comedic web series.

Hope you liked it!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

HiStory of Me. - Lecture 4

So I'm going to be clever.
Instead of rephrasing years, and years of film and rehashing the timeline.
I'll just link you.
Click Here.(down the bottom right of the box - should work....)
Now that was mildly difficult to do - I used a file upload program to do it.
But here are the main points:
1895: Birth of Cinema
1897: First permanent movie theaters.
1903: First Narrative Film
1905: First Nickelodeons
1906: First Full Length Feature.
1912: First Serial, birth of the Cliffhanger
1913: Birth of 'Studio System'
1914: First Movie Star: Charlie Chaplin
1921: Dream Street: Considered first feature film to use sound.
1923: Animation first feature, Hollywood Sign built
1927: The Jazz Singer: Birth of 'the talkies'
1929: First 100% natural colour film, and first Academy Awards.
1937: Snow White: First full-length colour animation film.
1939: TV!
Lets skip some years here, to 1951:
1951: 3D!!!!
and again
1960: Phsyco!
and again - gotta keep things interesting :) animation is a go-go!
1986: Luxio Jr. - First Fully Computer generated film. (short)
1988: First mix of animation and live action
1995: First feature length computer generated film.

now I'm going to separate myself from the timeline. Because I think this is funny. In 1997, on the timeline we have the introduction of DVD's, and the film TROOPS. However, not on this timeline, is Titanic, the highest grossing film of all time, worldwide and domestically. Yet not on the list? Humorous.

2006: YouTube.

or the short version:
1895: Birth of Cinema
1997: Titanic
2006: YouTube
2009: :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I'm not a pirate - Tute 4

10 Things to find for today's tute.

1. World's largest pumpkin.
1878 pound pumpkin, starting growing from a seed 5 months ago.
Source. (Click source to see)

2. Best way to contact Lilly Allen.
That would defiantly be the fastest way to contact her. Or call her mobile, but hey... you would need her number....

3. Average giraffes tongue?
Longest: 53cm
Average: is about 46cm-50cm

Source 1
Source 2

4. Glycomics and Seagull Manager
Glycomics, is part of glycobiology and is a biological study of glycomes. Source.
A seagull manager is a manager who:
"flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything, and then leaves"

5. David Cronenber first feature film? And which one with Blondie?
David Cronenber's first film was transfer, BUT that was only 7 minutes long, and thus, not a feature film.
His film 'Stereo', in which he directed and wrote (among other things) was 65 minutes long, and thus can be considered a short feature film. Therefore, Stereo was his first feature film, released in 23rd June 1969.
Source 1.
Source 2.
Blondie, aka Debbie Harry was in Cronenber's 1983 Videodrome.

6. Original 'Hacker's Manefesto' written when?
January 8, 1986

Simple reason:
555 on the telephone keyboard has JKL, you can't make any words/part words with any combination of those letters (area code was used as first 3 numbers, spelt out).

Because no letters could be formed, it was used in hollywood so if viewers rang up a number seen in a film, it wouldn't ring to a real persons house, and thus innocent people would avoid constant harrasment.
However.... they used a real number for God in Bruce Almighty.......... chaos ensued.

See HERE for a more in depth reason (source).

8. Cheapest form of transport from Gold Coast to Sydney?
Logical answer: Walking. Walking costs no money, it thus is the cheapest form of transport - along with running, jogging, etc.
However.... I assume you want like cheapest using some sort of vehicle. You can hire a car out for a day for like $50, but this site offers cars from as low at $31/day. Pity this is such a vague question, hence, I just like the walking option.

9. Top Australian Charts this week 1965
Another slightly vague question.
I ended up with
Help! / I'm Down
by The Beatles
From wikipedia.
Is that a good enough answer? Or can I just say 'Help!' ?

10. Last one! Stephen Stockwell... what band?
Is it wierd that when I Yahoo searched to find the answer, it came up with some blogs from people in my course? Awesome. Means I also don't have to do any more rummaging.
Band: The Black Assasins.
Source 1.

All done! Thank you!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Nick and Norah Analysis - Week 3

This post is about my Who, What, When, Where, Why and How, analysing the film Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist starring Micheal Cera and Kat Dennings.
I have captured, and uploaded images from the movie, to illustrate. I go through it point by point, and then summarise it all at the end.

The first shot is an Extreme Long Shot/Very Long Shot/Wide Shot of a house, pictured below.

This shot answers numerous questions as it establishes the scene. Where? A house, it is obviously not in the city, thus we know it's a house in the suburbs. When? the sky shows that it is Daytime, although cloudy.
The next 3 shots answer more questions. Shots 2 and 3 are shown below.

A Close-Up of record spinning illustrates where the music in the scene is coming from, while the background of the shot, and then the next shot comprising of posters on the wall, the corner of a bed, and a bed side lamp further clarifies the Where? by narrowing it down to a bedroom in the house. The posters also suggest a teenager's room (who?). Shot 4 elaborates on this. As Micheal Cera's character walks onscreen, talking on a phone.

In this Mid Shot he is talking on a phone (What? - What is he doing... communicating to someone) (communicating How? - showing how he is communicating to someone by use of the phone). He also swaps the hands he is holding the phone in, further emphasising this how.
Who? male, played by Micheal Cera (above). On the phone he says its about three in the afternoon (When?) as well as saying "Hey Tris, It's Nick" stating he is currently talking/communicating with Tris, and that his name is Nick (Who?). He goes on to state that he stayed home from school today and that she probably still is at school, thus he is a male (visual obviousness) school student, called Nick.

Why? (Why is Nick on the phone to Tris? Why didn't he go to school?)
Dialogue states that he took a 'personal day' and that Tris "Broke up with me, on my b-day." While on the phone he is apologising and wants to talk. He walks across the room and looks at some photos on the wall (pictured below). He looks at them while talking about breaking up, and the photos are of Nick and a girl together, suggesting that the girl is Tris (another Who?). The fact that he went out with a girl, states that he is most likely straight but more importantly, not gay.

In the first 10 shots (5 of which I have shown) all the questions have been answered, they are summarised below.
Where? House, Nick's bedroom, suburbs
When? Daytime, afternoon, about 3pm.
Who? Nick, male school student, not gay, heartbroken, lives in house.
Who? Tris, female school student, not gay, went out with Nick, dumped him.
What? Nick is communicating with Tris.
How? By use of the mobile phone.
Why? Because he is heartbroken after their 'break-up', and wants to talk about it.

And this ends my 6 question analysis of the film Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. It is one of my favorite films and I recommend you watch this great, comedic 2008 film.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Film School - Lecture 3

Today in the lecture we discussed film stuff. Not new stuff for me, but still some goodens.
We talked - and by 'we' I mean Josh - about the different shots, as mentioned in the last post, but we also talked about some other stuff.
Such as certain purposes shots can do. Answering the questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

Afterwards, certain foundations of film-making were touched upon.
The necessity for head room and talking room was talked about, and then the 180 degree rule and the rule of thirds.

In the slides not touched upon in the lecture, Inserts & cutaways where mused on, as well as the philosophy that every shot needs to drive the narrative forward.

Much Love,

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Revisiting an Old Friend - Tute 3

This week we had to find out what certain abbreviations meant, however, I am into film, and even studied film at High School, and thus didn't really have to research into it, as I know what they mean.

VLS/WS - Very Long Shot/Wide Shot.
LS - Long Shot
MLS - Medium Long Shot
MS - Medium Shot (Mid Shot)
MCU - Medium Close-Up
CU - Close-Up
BCU- Big Close-Up (I've never heard of this before, but thanks to this site for informing me)
ECU - Extreme Close-Up

Now I got taught a slightly different way, and while in effect it doesn't matter, the way I use is much rounder, flows better, and avoids the horrible sounding 'Big Close Up'.

Extreme Long Shot
Long Shot
Medium Long Shot
Medium Shot
Medium Close-Up
Extreme Close-Up

This flows better, and uses common terms, There is one less shot, but doesn't really matter, You could always just say 'Head Shot' which works, and what I got taught.

and then there's
POV - Point of View
OTS - Over the Shoulder (or OSS- Over Shoulder Shot)
TS - Two Shot (and thus Three Shot, Four Shot, etc.)

Man I am a film nerrrrrd. However, these are merely irrelevant differences.
So I shall give you some examples.
Extreme Close Up:
ECU's, and CU for that matter, show great detail and are frequently underused in films. A common ECU/CU shot would be a shot that shows the mouth of a person talking on a telephone. This shot can be effectively used to disguise the person on the phone. Another commonly used ECU shot is that of the eye, especially after waking up, an example of an elephant is shown to the left.

Mid Shot
The mid shot, properly called a Medium Shot, generally shows the subject from the hips up, this shot captures general facial expressions, as well as hand gestures. This shot is very common, and say, a person texting, is most likely to be represented in a mid shot. An example of this shot is pictured right. Hmmm.... Gossip Girl.....


Wide Shot/...
Wide Shots/Long Shots/Full Shot is generally a shot that shows the whole body, to which fills up most the screen. They can be used to show the surroundings of the character/s. An example of a Long Shot is left, it is my photo that I have uploaded. However, it should be noted that this shot is slightly further out than a true long shot.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Computers - Week 2 Lecture

Computing began with "Charles Babbage's 19th century Difference Engine which was designed to calculate and print mathematical tables." Since that fateful machine, computers can now do heaps of different things, from StarCraft, to YouTube, and wireless internet.
Yada yada yada.
Computers were first comercially produced by IBM in 1950's. They were large and expensive machines, for military, government and businesses.

1970's saw the creation of useful things like the mouse by Xerox PARC.

Things grew, fast.
Moore's Law: "Capacity of micro-chips double every 2 years."

Apple soon came along, with the idea for more general use, Apple II sold heaps, and it wasn't long before the creators such as Steve Jobs were worth millions.

yada yada yada, microsoft yada yada........
and bam, we're here today using macs and owning.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Convergance Expansion - Tute 2

Expanding on the Convergence stuff from my last post.
I thought I'd define convergence.

The act, condition, quality, or fact of converging.

I thought putting it in bold was quite a bold move.....
sorry couldn't help myself.
I got that definition from by the way. Oh how did people find out the meaning of words before dictionaries?

On the topic of dictionaries, I'll share Demetri Martin joke on the subject with you:
"I bought a dictionary, and looked up the word 'dictionary', it said: 'You're an asshole.' "

And another.

"I was in a store and I saw a pocket dictionary and that made me laugh because it's such... a specific item.
I don't know that many words... and I'm going out... and I have pants. Perfect!"

One more.
"I was going to read the Dictionary, but then I read the last page, ruined the whole story for me.... and anyway... I hear it's a bit of an anti-climax."

Okay.. that last one, is just my own lame joke that I snuck in with the idea you would think it's funnier if it's someone elses joke.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hello... Convergance - Tute 2

Morning upper east siders, Mildy Witty Blog Blog Writer man here.... Not quite as catchy as Gossip Girl... But still. Four cool technolgies for you.
1. A clock radio. So you know what a clock is, and you know what a radio is. So now both are in one! wow... if only it was an alarm clock too. What? it is. Man I'm an idiot.
Clock Radio!!!
Sorry about that....
I'll have a cooler one next I promise...
2: iPhone

I don't think I should really have to explain this one... its an i... with a phone....

Then theres....
3. Black Berry. (Technological Device, not fruit thingy)

Just like a super phone like the iPhone. So you know how you have normal people like you, and then theres superheroes like Spider-man, Captain America, Hawkeye, me. Well my phone is more like the normal crap one, and the iPhone and Blackberry are more like the me-esque superhereo ones. Also. I'm not going to link to other pages because you should know about these by now, plus I'm all intruiged for the next one.

4. Flying Alarm Clock
Flying Alarm Clock!
So what I gather from this, is that once your alarm sounds, the top separates from the clock part, and to stop the annoying noise that the alarm, and the whizzing of the helicopteresque alarm bit is making, is to catch the flying thingy. Or, you can just sleep with your shotgun, and when your 7am alarm goes off on a Thursday morning due to the annoyingly timed lecture you need to go to, you can just shoot it down.

Oh and by 'sleep with your shotgun' I mean sleep with it next to you... nothing sexual or anything.
Also: by 'you can just shoot it down', I mean shoot it with the shotgun, not 'shoot it down' by tormenting, 'You're fat.' 'Nobody likes you' etc.

You can read more about it here or click here to view a photo of a cat.

Video! New Apple Laptop!!!!

Video! New Sony Piece of Crap That Doesn't Work:

Thursday, July 30, 2009

One Dewy Morning - Lecture 1

Today, on the dewy morning that was, I awakened to the sound of singing. Then I realised I was sleep singing again. Which is all swell, despite the fact I was singing John Lennon's 'How Do You Sleep?'..... I think I figured it out!
Nothing like a fresh pot of irony to start the day.

So within 20 minutes, I was smelling good - as opposed to the weird crayon smell that surrounds me on most days - and was awaiting the arrival of teh bus on the dewy grass. And the sad thing is, I purposely spelt 'The' as 'Teh', please forgive me..... even worse is that 'Spelt' is apparently not in the dictionary, but screw that overrated 'Spelled'.

So soon acommeth; I was in the healthy G16 awaiting for the lecture to start, to which I noticed was rather later than the 8am we penciled in. I 'tut tut' in your general direction.

So pretty much we just went over the course outline, including the all important assessment items - to which we covered in the last 2 minutes. Sigh. I'm rather critical today, maybe that's just because I'm perfect.

Wooo, second blog post and already being mildy humourously cocky!

We also outlined the forms of communication, and put some in the group of 'Old', and then all the good ones in 'New'. Bias much?

Oh and my adjective of the day today is 'Dewy'. You know, how some people have 'word of the day', I have like noun of the day, adjective of the day, verb of the day. Fairly simple yo. Although I tend to use it for more like a week, but it's already named and some plaques are done up, so I can't change it now..... Oh and I choose it too, that way I can avoid the situation of having like 'Japanese' as my adjective of the day, because that is just a bunt to work in front of nouns in every day speech.

Zie out!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New Tute Noob! - Tute 1

I am in my first New Communications Tute and am totally enthralled by the amount of Apple's in the room; as in the computer, not the fruit, fruit rarely enthralls me. Although I am not ruling out the possibility, I just want to be clear.

So here I am, I am here, and now I have to send out a very important email.
So I am off, off I am.

My adjective of the day is Mildy.

And for you tutor, I have - and will - put the tute/lecture each blog post is about in the title of each post, at the end after a dash. :)