My Blog Part 2 Overview

This text gives direct links to everything I have done for Part 2 of this blog.
This is so it is easier to navigate and find the posts in my blog. Everything is here, as well as quite a bit of extra work. If a link doesn't work, try using the sidebar, all of it is here somewhere.....

Please note: This message is displayed at the top of my blog wherever you are in my blog. If you click on one of the links to go to that post. This will be at the top, and you will have to scroll down to see the post. This does however make it easier to navigate.

Internet Delivered Short Films. (3%)
My Google Map, Persona and Sketchcast.(2%)
My iReport (3%)
Lecture 7 and Freeware discussion (with some extra work)(2%)
Political Participation and the Internet Tasks (3%)
Some form of art that I created. (3%)

Lecture 5
Lecture 6 + Extra Work
Lecture 7 (Above, combined with freeware task)
Lecture 8
Lecture 9

Extra Work
There is some extra work as part of the other posts, but there is also:
Week 6 Extra Work.
Introduction: General Overview
Conclusion: My thoughts on

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I thought that with my iReport video I would go meta, and make it tounge-in-cheek with meta-humour. I think I did a great job, with good framing and lighting. I love this sort of video, as opposed to an alien attack or something like that. The video on blogger is below.

Edit: I tried uploading the video to iReport at the time of posting, but it failed.
Therefore, I have tried again and have posted the link to the video on iReport just below. I have noticed however that the videos can take a very long time to finish processing. It makes me think that by the time its processed, the news has become olds.

Second edit, but it worked! Some people were having to wait weeks for it to work. But my worked straight away! Yay for me. Still annoying it didn't work all those weeks ago.
Oh... And I also made it so at the start of my video, iReport says 'Discretion Advised' because it may contain disturbing images. Mainly.... Me. :)

Direct link here. But posted above too.

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