My Blog Part 2 Overview

This text gives direct links to everything I have done for Part 2 of this blog.
This is so it is easier to navigate and find the posts in my blog. Everything is here, as well as quite a bit of extra work. If a link doesn't work, try using the sidebar, all of it is here somewhere.....

Please note: This message is displayed at the top of my blog wherever you are in my blog. If you click on one of the links to go to that post. This will be at the top, and you will have to scroll down to see the post. This does however make it easier to navigate.

Internet Delivered Short Films. (3%)
My Google Map, Persona and Sketchcast.(2%)
My iReport (3%)
Lecture 7 and Freeware discussion (with some extra work)(2%)
Political Participation and the Internet Tasks (3%)
Some form of art that I created. (3%)

Lecture 5
Lecture 6 + Extra Work
Lecture 7 (Above, combined with freeware task)
Lecture 8
Lecture 9

Extra Work
There is some extra work as part of the other posts, but there is also:
Week 6 Extra Work.
Introduction: General Overview
Conclusion: My thoughts on

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lecture 6

Unfortunetly, I was sick for a few weeks and missed out on the lectures in week 6 and 7. Thus I am limited in what I can talk about, but I will briefly rehash what is on Learning@Griffith, and then EXPAND ON THE LECTURE and talk about a certain YouTube videos that people create that use Professional content that has been produce, and remix them to create more content.

Back in the old days, consumers would 'take', by viewing movies and television and give nothing back.
But lets skip here.... because it started to change, 'The Internet' changed everything.

People would give back, produce there own content, but more importantly, change content that already existed.

Let's break this down.
Three Big Screens of life

and the Small Screens of life
Personal Media Players (MP3 players, iPod's)
Mobile phones/Smartphones (HTC touch, iPhone etc.)

But you read heaps of lecture summaries. So I'm going to do some extraish work.


People take professional produced content and remix it for their own reasons, more specifically, love stories. People make love videos for couples from their favorite TV show.

IE..... 7th Heaven? Gilmore Girls? people make horrible videos about two characters from a show they love, mash up scenes, and put it to love music. This is one thing i really really hate about youtube.
Sometimes they create things that well..... Odd.
Example.... Seth and Ryan from 'The OC', in a video entitled 'Forbiden Romance'

The editor took things that Seth said to his girl Summer in the show 'I Love you, and I think you love me too' and made it seem as if Seth was saying them to Ryan.

The editor also got footage of two guys kissing, with the same hair colour as Seth and Ryan, and subtly cut it inbetween the scenes, to make it as if these two characters had a serious sexual relationship with eachother.

This whole video is rather bold....

But there are much worse ones.....
The dopecore and awesome Peter Petrelli from the first season of Heroes.
Someone made a mash-up of clips from the show, and put them to the song 'Sex Bomb'

Now some people are really sexually attracted to this guy....

And these two examples are good examples of how consumer, is now mashing up and using footage and are effectively producing stuff. All because of the internet.
Personally, I hate these videos.

But in the same vein of these videos, they are two I do like. 30 Rock one, mainly just because I love the song ahahha, and then theres a Seinfeld quote one.

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