My Blog Part 2 Overview

This text gives direct links to everything I have done for Part 2 of this blog.
This is so it is easier to navigate and find the posts in my blog. Everything is here, as well as quite a bit of extra work. If a link doesn't work, try using the sidebar, all of it is here somewhere.....

Please note: This message is displayed at the top of my blog wherever you are in my blog. If you click on one of the links to go to that post. This will be at the top, and you will have to scroll down to see the post. This does however make it easier to navigate.

Internet Delivered Short Films. (3%)
My Google Map, Persona and Sketchcast.(2%)
My iReport (3%)
Lecture 7 and Freeware discussion (with some extra work)(2%)
Political Participation and the Internet Tasks (3%)
Some form of art that I created. (3%)

Lecture 5
Lecture 6 + Extra Work
Lecture 7 (Above, combined with freeware task)
Lecture 8
Lecture 9

Extra Work
There is some extra work as part of the other posts, but there is also:
Week 6 Extra Work.
Introduction: General Overview
Conclusion: My thoughts on

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Week 7 Lecture and Expansion

As I said before, I was sick for a few weeks and missed out on the Week 6 and 7 lecture. Thus I am limited in what I can talk about, Even more so as there is no lecture information on Learning@griffith. But the lecture was about Freeware, thus I shall talk about my experiences with Freeware.

Freeware can be very handy, and to me it is. Free software, it's great!
Some of this freeware I use weekly, other is when I get around to it.

For example. Last FM (Wikipedia article here) records all the music I listen to and puts it into a nice little graph and charts and stuff. See or click here to see my profile on that site, this is more of a plug in however. But it is free. As is this TuneUp add-on/plug in for iTunes I just downloaded. That one is hard to use however.

I'll just quickly use that great plug-in and then website, to post the music I've been listening to the last week. I just discovered NeverShoutNever! ahahah, Sooo good!


Then there is ComicRack and ComicBookLover. Those freeware programs read my digital comic books for me, the .cbz files. Although the latter is a free trial that has limited use. The first one I used when I had a windows computer and was freeware, not a free trail, and no restrictions. So ComicRack is one useful Freeware application, and is described as 'The iTunes for Comics'.
A picture of ComicRack in action:


Then there is VLC Media Player(Wikipedia article here), that little Traffic Cone that helps me soooo much. My annoying iTunes, quicktime and RealMedia player can't play those great '.avi' files. And this can. So I am going to choose this freeware program to talk about, not because it is new to me, but because it is so amazingly good! I would have so much trouble without it, and what's even more, it's portable!!!!!
VLC Thumbnail:

Plus, it can play DVD's from all regions! No more having to check the right region, i watch DVD's on my computer anyway, my TV is rather small, so screen size doesn't bother me there. So that's great!

Even better, my great analysis of Nick and Norah from weeks ago that I posted in this blog(see it here), was all possible because of VLC. It let me take screen shots which I feel greatly improved my analysis.
Picture from my analysis:

So there we have it. I think everyone should use this program, and I am so happy that I heard about it about a year ago. It revolutionized the way I watch TV and DVD's. Sigh, how great it is!
ahahah. I'm really into this whole VLC thing. VLC 4TW! ahaha
Picture of VLC in action! Watching one of the Ice Age movies:

PS. Posted below is a song by NeverShoutNever!. This is a song I have recently found.
It's called JaneDoe, it's a love song without being one of those lame sappy love songs. It starts about 28seconds in... I know you can make a video start a certain amount into a video but I forgot ahaha.

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