My Blog Part 2 Overview

This text gives direct links to everything I have done for Part 2 of this blog.
This is so it is easier to navigate and find the posts in my blog. Everything is here, as well as quite a bit of extra work. If a link doesn't work, try using the sidebar, all of it is here somewhere.....

Please note: This message is displayed at the top of my blog wherever you are in my blog. If you click on one of the links to go to that post. This will be at the top, and you will have to scroll down to see the post. This does however make it easier to navigate.

Internet Delivered Short Films. (3%)
My Google Map, Persona and Sketchcast.(2%)
My iReport (3%)
Lecture 7 and Freeware discussion (with some extra work)(2%)
Political Participation and the Internet Tasks (3%)
Some form of art that I created. (3%)

Lecture 5
Lecture 6 + Extra Work
Lecture 7 (Above, combined with freeware task)
Lecture 8
Lecture 9

Extra Work
There is some extra work as part of the other posts, but there is also:
Week 6 Extra Work.
Introduction: General Overview
Conclusion: My thoughts on

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lecture 5

This was a small little lecture. Although I think that's just because my business subjects have lectures that go for like 2 hours. Where as this one is merely 50minutes. I'll just mention it briefly, I only just realised that you(teacher/tutor/marker of this blog) must be reading heaps of summaries of the same lecture, so it must get rather boring, may as well not bore you too much then.

Dot com crash, women was worth 18 mil at one point, then down heappps like like 5mil, then back up all in one years span. rather interesting. Then there was all the Bill Gates Google talk with AOL now fallen, as has yahoo, it's been with Bill Gates and their trying to take on Google.

Meh.... I've gotten to the point where I'm so over summarising lectures.... I mean, you must be reading heaps and heaps of these. I just want to try and be interesting, why can't they just be a class/subject/course, where assignments are graded on humour value. Now that would be something I would want to do.

I'm also sick of doing labels in posts..... I think i'm mostly gonna stop that now.

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